How to run a login script with Samba 1.9.18p

Rainer Hantsch office at
Tue Aug 24 16:41:04 GMT 1999

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-- SmartMail v1.0 --------------------------------(c) Ing. Rainer Hantsch--
Hello, all!

Since a lot of days I try to find a clearely understandable instruction on
HOW to configure Samba to allow login scripts with Windows 95/98 clients.

All filesystem access works fine, but I cannot find out what I must
basically do (and where) to get a login script running.

I will be happy for a simple, easy to understand sample configuration.


Rainer Hantsch

      \\|//           Ing. Rainer HANTSCH  -  Hardware + Software
      (o o)                             ... we focus on LINUX !!!

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