What to do in Windows 95 after configuring Samba

Jeffrey Yep jyep at MailAndNews.com
Tue Aug 24 11:17:23 GMT 1999

I'm new to Samba so sorry for this trivial question. I've configured my 
smb.conf with all the shares and enabled WINS support. I wanted to know what 
do I have to configure in my windows 95 machine. My LAN setup is - one Linux 
Red Hat 6.0 machine Pentium 166 and a windows 95 machine a 486. I've made my 
Linux m/c the proxy server using Squid. Also whenever I boot my Win m/c it 
just shows me the windows login dialog box and it doesn't show a network logon 
dialog box. Why? I installed Lin Neighborhood and I can see my Linux m/c but 
not my Win m/c. I did give the WINS address in my win m/c as the IP of my 
Linux m/c but when ever I try to browse th network throuhg network 
neighborhood it gives an error msg saying can't browse network. Can anybody 


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