NT4SP5 Encryption and mksmbpasswd

Alex Yu yua at artlover.com
Mon Aug 23 22:30:57 GMT 1999

> Reading through ENCRYPTION.txt it says to do the following:
> cat /etc/passwd | mksmbpasswd.sh >/usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd

cat /etc/passwd | mksmbpasswd.sh > /etc/smbpasswd

> exist. Instead, all the files listed in ENCRYPTION.txt and
> /usr/bin directory.

It doesn't really matter where binaries are stored.  The default smb
configuration file is /etc/smb.conf in RH package.  You can custom where
smbpasswd is stored in /etc/smb.conf.  The default smbpasswd location is
/etc/smbpasswd in RH package.  These are very common knowledge.  I prefer
you to get a Linux /or Unix book, and study how the structure works.

> Question: Should I create /usr/local/samba/ and various
> make symlinks to the old locations in /usr/bin? Or is there a

No and you don't have to recompile samba.


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