Question: HP LaserJet III

Jonathan Miller Jonathan.Miller at
Tue Aug 17 15:52:26 GMT 1999

samba at said:
> We have an HP Laser Jet III with the postscript add on.  We have been
> using the printer under samba for while, but every print job, there is
> a page that says %[LAST PAGE]% + other garbage.  Does anybody know of
> any hacks or fix's to get the printer / samba to get this system to
> not print that last page.

> Server = Linux Mandrake 6.0

Yes, I think this the same problem as we had with RedHat 5.2. There's a bug in 
the /usr/lib/rhs/rhs-printfilters/ps-to-printer.fpi file which causes error 
messages from ghostscript to be sent to the printer.

I expect you'll have the same problem with mandrake since it's based on 
redhat. I have been using a work-around for some time now.

Try changing the lines which used to say:
eval "$mpage_cmd | gs -q -sDEVICE=$GSDEVICE \
             -r$RESOLUTION \
             -sPAPERSIZE=$PAPERSIZE \
             -dNOPAUSE \
             -dSAFER \
             $COLOR \
             $EXTRA_GS_OPTIONS \
             - "
or something equivalent

to read:
eval "$mpage_cmd | gs -q -sDEVICE=$GSDEVICE \
             -r$RESOLUTION \
             -sPAPERSIZE=$PAPERSIZE \
             -dNOPAUSE \
             -dSAFER \
             -sOutputFile=\"|sh -c cat >&150\" \
             $COLOR \
             $EXTRA_GS_OPTIONS \
             - 150>&1 >/dev/null"

Let me know if it works.

Jonathan Miller                                  Email: jlm at
Axiom (Cambridge) Ltd.

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