Samba High Availability

John LeMay jlemay at
Fri Aug 13 23:34:47 GMT 1999

This is what I was thinking. Compaq ASR to be presise! 

Off topic: Anyone using the Linux driver for the Compaq raid controller?

David Collier-Brown wrote:
> Benjamin Suto wrote:
> | We're using Samba, and it's working very well, however I'm
> interested
> | in finding out what approaches would work for having some sort of
> | redundancies in place in case the main server crashes.  Is there
> | anything in place for Samba in order to have some sort of backup in
> | place in case the main server crashes.
>         If you're doing a full-fledged "bring up new server with
>         same ip address and disks" kind of failover, samba
>         will work automagically.
>         At the opposite extreme, you can have a commented-out
>         section in the smb.conf file that brings up a virtual
>         server for another department, and put it in place
>         manually when the other department's server blows up.
>         In between is in between (:-))
>         If this is on a Sun, sen me mail and I'll ask a
>         real clusters Guru...
> --dave
> --
> David Collier-Brown,  | Always do right. This will gratify some people
> 185 Ellerslie Ave.,   | and astonish the rest.        -- Mark Twain
> Willowdale, Ontario   |
> Work: (905) 415-2849 Home: (416) 223-8968 Email: davecb at

John J. LeMay Jr.

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