NT groups

Jeremy D. Fillingim jfilling at es.com
Fri Aug 13 19:18:41 GMT 1999

Here is my situation

I am running RH 6.0.  I need to access shares on a Windows NT Server
machine.  I set samba up, and I am able to see all the public shares,
however I cannot see any of the shares that are restricted to specific
groups.  I have read a lot of the archived postings, and have tried
several things with no success.

in smb.conf
domain groups = /etc/smbgroups

in smbgroups
adm "Domain Users"
adm "desktop graphics"
root "Domain Admins"

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

Jeremy D. Fillingim
  Hardware Engineer
  Evans & Sutherland
  (801) 588-7674

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