Login script for Win95 machines

Gerald Carter cartegw at Eng.Auburn.EDU
Wed Aug 11 19:16:35 GMT 1999

> Mark Leupen wrote:
> On my Samba server I created a directory called 'netlogon' and I put a
> batch file in there called 'login.bat'.  Also did I create a share
> called 'netlogon' which points to the 'netlogon' directory.
> I set up samba to use a login script (login
> script=netlogon/login.bat). Strange enough it does not seem to be

Should be 

	logon script = login.bat

The netlogon path is assumed

                            Gerald ( Jerry ) Carter	
Engineering Network Services                           Auburn University 
jerry at eng.auburn.edu             http://www.eng.auburn.edu/users/cartegw

       "...a hundred billion castaways looking for a home."
                                  - Sting "Message in a Bottle" ( 1979 )

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