samba-2.0.4b/NT4.0(SP3): share name

Huafeng Zhou szcathay at
Wed Aug 4 03:03:04 GMT 1999

Hello, everyone. Could you help me to solve the problems?

Recently I downloaded samba-2.0.4b souce and after I compiled it, I used it
a replace of samba-1.9.18p8.
The smb.conf file was used as before. But there are two problems to me.
1)When I used samba-1.9.18p8, the Windows NT4.0(sp3) workstation can browse
the share names of Japanese SJIS, but now I couldn't access the shares
the names appeared to be unreadable by Japanese Windows NT 4.0 in spite of
the "client code page = 932" was set in smb.conf. The strange thing is that
Windows 95 can access the shares which contains Japanese Characters.
2)To avoid the above problem I had to use single byte character for all the
shares. But when the share name is more than 12 characters, the client
access the share too. It seems that samba provide DOS8.3 format share name.
How to set the samba-2.0.4b to use long filenames for shares and use double-
byte characters for shares?

Thanks in advance.

Huafeng Zhou(hfzhou at

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