Logging in from Windows 98 -Fixed!
eirvine at tpgi.com.au
Sun Aug 1 04:51:00 GMT 1999
Hi all.
This is one for the mail archives.
In order to log in SAMBA, you'll probably
want to turn on plain text passwords in
the registry (see the file "ENCRYPTION.txt"
that comes with the source). In Windows 95
revision 2, this was enough.
However, Windows 98 may come with a sevice called
"Microsoft Family Logon" installed. This appeared
to inhibit my machine from giving the correct
password to the Samba server when I tried to connect
to one of its shares.
On removing this service (but not "Client for Microsoft
Networks"), and double checking that the correct
workgroup was still set in the "Client for Microsoft
Networks" control panel, I then found that I could
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