Unwanted browselists

Fred Pishotta Pishotta.Fred at Mayo.Edu
Mon Sep 28 17:50:41 GMT 1998

Perhaps appending a "$" to the end of the share name from the W95
machines will prevent the shares from showing up in (any) browse
lists, as it does in W/NT.  They would still be mountable (permissions
allowing) if one knew the hidden share name, as in "\\machine\share$".
Never tried it on a W95 machine when I had some, now I don't have any
to test it on.  Easy to test, though.

-- Fred P.

On Tue, 29 Sep 1998, Eric Warnke wrote:

> >Is there a way to prevent browselists from machines other than those
> >of my choosing to show up in the browselists/network neighbourhood?
> >
> >I don't want win95 clients that offer shares themselves to show up
> >in the network neighbourhood.
> >
> >Michel.
> Unless you plan on implmenting policies, you are out of luck.  With the way
> ot works, browsing is a free for all, and the more computers / subnets you
> have, the more interesting it gets.   If you are really dead set on this
> feature, it technicly could be added to the code.
> -Eric

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