How to stop access to a share in the samba server?
RICK_ at
Fri Nov 27 17:31:19 GMT 1998
Roberto Joao Lopes Garcia wrote:
> At 12:47 26/11/98 +0000, you wrote:
> >> Is there any away to stop access to a mounted SAMBA driver?
> >Have You tried to kill the corresponding smbd-processes? This should
> >disconnect the Users and when they reconnect, the share shouldn't be
> >accessible anymore.
> >
> Thank You to respond, and let me abouse you a litle more ...
> Yes, I know this will work but I have 86 Pcs mount 5 shares eache!
> I could be able to stop just one share and leave the others OK! So I must
> kill all the smbd-processes and let the user reconect again? Could the
> users loose same data with this aproach?
when your users work (i.e. write to the share) - and you kill this
process - they will loose data. sure.
best regards
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