bug: file time travels when updating
Francesc Guasch
frankie at etsetb.upc.es
Thu Nov 12 15:52:26 GMT 1998
Hi, I think I've found a bug.
When I create a file from win95 it's stored in the server with the
date of creation. (that's ok)
If I update the file from win95 the date of the file changes but
it's stored as one hour less than it should be. (not so ok)
1.- I create a file at 16:45
$ ls -ld b.txt
Nov 12 16:45 b.txt
2.- I update that file one minute later:
$ ls -ld b.txt
Nov 12 15:46 b.txt
I have samba-1.9.18p10
SunOS parra 5.6 Generic sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-1
gcc version egcs-2.90.29 980515 (egcs-1.0.3 release)
mailto:frankie at etsetb.upc.es http://www.etsetb.upc.es/~frankie
o o _ ) Linux, Windows 95, and Windows NT
Y (_, (__(Ssss (also known as the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly)
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