BUG: File locking and SMBmv

Simon Mackinlay sjm at condor.com.au
Tue May 26 10:31:58 GMT 1998

I suspect I've found a bug buried somewhere deep inside the
SMBmv code; I have an application, Archicad, which will not
allow you to file->save over the top of an existing file,
unless you happen to be the (unix) owner of that file.

Unix permissions are mode 664, users can otherwise manipulate
the files as expected.

I've attempted various combinations/ permutations of "locking"
and "share modes" parameters; the problem also exists in both

I've included two debug logs; the distinction in the "success"
case (debug.1) is that the file is owned by the user concerned;
logs and smb.conf are available at


Samba 1.9.18p4, NT4 Workstation SP3/ IE4.01.

Could you please give these logs the once-over, and suggest
either a fix or a work-around?



I dried your tears of pain, a million times for you...
     ... I'd sell my soul for you, for money to burn for you
                        sjm at condor.com.au

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