Smbpassword or Unix password ?

Philippe GUILLEMETTE philippe.guillemette at
Mon May 25 20:19:03 GMT 1998


	I currently use Samba 1.9.18.p4 on Linux based PC with unix-only passwords managed by NIS. The W95 users can change their 
passwords by using net password \\.... in a DOS box and it works fine, unless not very convenient because passwords change by W95 
dialog is much more understandable by basic user ...
	I plan to change all my network servers (4) to Linux+Samba but I *must* have unix-only password, managed by NIS. I downloaded
version 1.9.18.p7 and read that is should support W95 dialog box password change ==> great ! But I'm confused because it also appears that
with that version I *must* use samba passwords (with optionnal unix password sync). 
	I'd really like to avoid this, as my clients can be W95 or Unix (everybody has account on both sides and can use any of them), each of 
them must have an unique password, and unix clients cannot use smbpasswd. I read the docs, but things are still unclear to me. Is it possible 
to avoid samba password in this release and to have only unix based (NIS) passwords ?

	Thanks to the samba team for their great work.


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