differing access permissions

Chott, Joseph R Joseph.Chott at ARZ.Boeing.com
Fri May 15 16:39:47 GMT 1998

Am I blind?

I think that I must be blind.  I have been trying to export a share
using Samba in such a way that one group of people can access it read
only, and another can access it in writable mode.  I can do this all day
long if I use different share names, but what I am wanting to do is to
allow access from multiple users to a single share name, in such a way
that those multiple users can have differing permissions on access.

Is this impossible?  Here is a sample of what I tried to do:

   path = /pvcs
   public = yes
   writable = yes
   browseable = yes
   printable = no
   valid users = pvcsadmin
   force user = pvcs
   force group = pvcs

   path = /pvcs
   public = yes
   writable = no
   browseable = yes
   printable = no
   valid users = pvcsuser
   force user = pvcs
   force group = pvcs

The users "pvcsadmin" and "pvcsuser" are actually mapped from NT
usernames using the mapping functions of samba.  I guess my question
might be boiled down to the following:

Is it possible to have multiple entries in an smb.conf file where those
entries have the SAME share name?  So far, it appears that only the last
entry in the file is used for access.

Please, any help on this would be very much appreciated.  Thanks!

Joe Chott

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