NT 4 workstation login confirmed by Samba?

mathog at seqaxp.bio.caltech.edu mathog at seqaxp.bio.caltech.edu
Mon Jul 20 22:05:23 GMT 1998


How does one configure NT 4 workstation so that it will take the
username/password pair typed in by the user on the console, and pass it to
a PDC (in this case, Samba) for workstation/Domain login verification? 

Further details:

The server (1.9.19, yes, I know that's alpha) is configured to be a PDC.

We have several hundred Unix accounts, for which both the username and
password are known.  (We know both because we use the iron fist method of
management - passwords are randomly generated strings assigned to each
user, and users cannot change their passwords. The plain text passwords are
stored in a safe place, ie, nowhere near the machine on which they are

We can run smbpasswd in a script and fill in the Samba password file.  

So all of the validation information is available on the server.

The part I don't understand is how to get WNT 4 workstation to make use of
this information for workstation/Domain login.  Users with local accounts 
can connect to the server, but the username/password information is being
checked on the workstation, which requires a specific account for each
user. I'm especially keen to find a method which does not require the
generation of several hundred user accounts on each workstation.

Is this even possible?  There was nothing in the user administrator to 
indicate that it knew how to do a "generic" login with remote validation.


David Mathog
mathog at seqaxp.bio.caltech.edu
Manager, sequence analysis facility, biology division, Caltech 

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