Samba / Unix Print Queue Administration

Olivier.Renger at Olivier.Renger at
Mon Jul 20 12:12:12 GMT 1998

On our AIX platform, we are loking for a Print Queue Administration Tool
that allows to:
        1. manage the queue and print request from the client PC (windows 95,
or windows NT),
        2. visualise the print queue jobs,
        3. hold/delete print requests,
        4. visulise the contens of a print request,
        5. remap a print request from a printer P1 to an other printer P2,
        6. manage the print queue (stop, restart,..)
        7. etc...

I heard that the Samba Software is able to make remote Print Queue
Does Samba meet all my above requests?
Where can I found a complete Samba documentation?

Olivier Renger
Panalpina Management Ltd.,Basle, Switzerland,  IT Department
Phone direct:     +41.61/226 19 53,       FAX: +41.61/226 17 01
X.400:     /c=ch/a=400net/p=panmail/o=pac/s=renger/g=olivier
Internet:  olivier.renger at
Panmail:   IPBSLOR

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