Can I specify a different username under Win95???

Andre Albsmeier andre.albsmeier at
Mon Jul 20 05:15:19 GMT 1998

> Take a look at your /etc/smbusers file.
> I think this is what it's for.  Sorry I can't be more positive, but it's been
> a long time since I set up Samba and since it's running smoothly I've had no
> reason to fiddle.  :)
> I've added:
> jbenson = "Jonathan Benson" tech1
> jbenson is my Linux log in,  "Jonathan Benson" is my username under Win95 and
> tech1 is my machine name under 95.
> Regards,
>                Jonathan

Hmm, I see. But what to do if the server is a NT machine? I have to come
up with the same solution for both samba (/etc/smbusers would be fine)
and the NT server (no smbusers). 

On NT, if I am logged in as user bla, and this user can't be found on
the server, I am prompted to specify user and password once more when
mounting the share. However, under Win95 this doesn't happen. If someone
knew how to make this additional user/pw box appear under Win95 it would
be the highest desireable option since I have no control over the
server(s) here.

Thanks anyway,


> Philip Hallstrom wrote:
> > Hi all -
> >         I have the latest samba up and running fine except for one small
> > problem.  The username I use to log into the NT domain is different than
> > the username I log into samba with.  I have no control over the former,
> > and would *really* rather not change the latter.
> >
> > I've searched the net, and the archives, and got only saw bits and pieces
> > of this issue, never quite fully answered.
> >
> > Is it possible to specify a different username under Win95?

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