9GB Drives Show Up as 4GB

Ludolf Holzheid Ludolf.Holzheid at t-online.de
Mon Jul 20 00:12:02 GMT 1998

"Smith, Doug K NWW" <Doug.K.Smith at nww01.usace.army.mil> wrote:

>In NT Explorer, my 9GB usr shares show up as 4GB.

How many bits you need for 4 *1024 *1024 *1024 (minus 1)? NT uses a
32-bit unsinged integer to get (non-NT) share sizes. Win95 even uses a
signed int.

As I heard NT boxes among each other are able to annouce share sizes
above 4GB, I expect Samba 1.9.19 (as `the NT4-Release') to show all the
9 GB to NT boxes. The Win95 explorer will still remain in showing 2GB
share size.

BTW, we share directories on a 3GByte partition to (among others) Win95
boxes. Except for the wrong share size, we didn't encounter any
problems. Question to the SMB gurus: Have we just been lucky? Should I
reduce the partition size?


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