Synchronize Unix/SMB passwords with 'synchpasswd'
Shawn A. Clifford
sac at
Fri Jul 3 17:00:35 GMT 1998
Skipped content of type multipart/alternative-------------- next part --------------
# Title: synchpasswd
# Author: Shawn A. Clifford <sac at>
# Date: 2-July-1998
# Purpose: Adds all users in the Unix password file to the SMB
# password file. If the user is already listed in
# the SMB password, then no change is made to that entry.
# All invalid accounts, either no longer present or system
# accounts, will be removed from the SMB password file.
# Externals: Michal Jaegermann's 'addtosmbpass' awk/nawk script,
# included in the Samba distribution. Look in the
# Samba binaries directory. Eg. /usr/local/samba/bin
# Disclaimer: I am not an expert Perl programmer. So this is perhaps
# a brutish way to achieve our goal. Please feel free
# to modify this script. I'd appreciate an email of any
# revisions you make.
# I take no responsibility for any "adverse" behavior of
# this script. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK !!
# Modification History:
# Who Date Description
# --- ----------- -----------------------------------------------------
# SAC 03-Jul-1998 Handle comment lines correctly.
# Modify these definitions to match your site's installation, and
# your preferences.
$smb_passwd = "/usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd";
$add_script = "/usr/local/samba/bin/addtosmbpass";
$private_dir = "/usr/local/samba/bin/private";
$system_id = 99; # Remove user ID's below this value from SMB
# Let's go...
use Text::ParseWords; # For the 'quotewords' function
# Scan through /etc/passwd. Create an array of names to pass to
# 'addtosmbpass', but omit all system accounts.
printf("\nCreating a list of Unix users:\n");
setpwent; # Initialize the scan
while (@list = getpwent) { # Fetch the next entry
($login,$uid) = @list[0,2]; # Grab login name and uid
if ($uid <= $system_id) {
printf ("\tOmmitting $login ...\n");
} else {
@USERS = (@USERS, "$login");
endpwent; # End of scan
# Add the users
printf ("\nMerging new users ...\n");
unless (fork) {
exec "$add_script @USERS < $smb_passwd > synch.tmp";
wait; # Parent waits for child to complete
# Remove all invalid entries from 'synch.tmp'. I check the uid again
# because the SMB password file may have these entries from before.
printf ("\nRemoving invalid accounts:\n");
open(IN, 'synch.tmp') || die "Can't open temp file: synch.tmp";
open(OUT, '>synch.out') || die "Can't create output file: synch.out";
while ($line = <IN>) {
if ($line =~ /#/) { # Keep comment lines
printf ("\tWriting comment line ...\n");
print OUT $line;
@tokens = quotewords(':', 0, $line); # Tokenize the fields
($login,$uid) = @tokens[0,1]; # Grab login name & uid
if ($uid <= $system_id) { # Remove system accounts
printf ("\tRemoving $login ...\n");
if ( (@validate = getpwnam("$login")) == NULL) {
printf ("\tNo such user: $login\n");
print OUT $line; # Keep this line
# Clean up the files and store final version of the SMB password file
close (OUT);
close (IN);
unlink ('synch.tmp');
rename ('synch.out', $smb_passwd);
-------------- next part --------------
# buildsmbpasswd Unix-password-file SMB-password-file
# build the smbpasswd file from the /var/yp/passwd file.
# passwords in the smbpasswd file for accounts which exist in both files
# are preserved.
# account in the smbpasswd file which do not exist in /var/yp/passwd
# are discarded.
# the resulting smbpasswd file is printed to standard output.
# todd pfaff
# may 28, 1997
# Todd Pfaff \ Email: pfaff at
# Computing and Information Services \ Voice: (905) 525-9140 x22920
# ABB 132 \ FAX: (905) 528-3773
# McMaster University \
# Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4M1 \
# $passwd="/var/yp/passwd";
$passwd=@ARGV[0] || die;
# $smbpasswd="/usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd";
$smbpasswd=@ARGV[1] || die;
while(<PW>) {
push @pw, $_;
close PW;
rename $smbpasswd, $osmbpasswd;
while(<PW>) {
close PW;
foreach $account (@pw) {
if($spw{$uname}) {
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