File lock

Bruce Cook BC3-AU at
Fri Jan 16 06:45:09 GMT 1998

J Poloniecki writes:
 > I am failing to lock a database file on a unix server (Solaris486) when
 > the file lock request is sent from Visual Foxpro on Windows 95.
 > Any suggestions on testing procedures, or even a solution??
 > Please feel free to assume that I don't know anything about file locks!
 > I don't even know how Visual Foxpro attempts to lock a file. 
 > Would the Foxpro lock be recognised by any application?
 > i.e. does Foxpro request a SAMBA lock or does it attempt to keep some
 > proprietary lock file that only other Foxpro applications would look for? 
 > And does a successful SAMBA lock apply to all possible write access to
 > the locked file, by whatever means the file is shared out?

What version of samba are you using.

The latest version (1.9.18p1) has new oplock support, that may help
you with this

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