Linux+Samba as a Win95 Password server

Michel Applaincourt Michel.Applaincourt at
Fri Jan 16 10:21:26 GMT 1998

Hi all,

Me again :o)

Is it possible to configure Win95 clients and a Linux+Samba to permit
roving users.
In fact, what I want to do is having all Win95 users passwords on a server
which is looked up when a user is connecting on a client.
It would be easier for maintyaining such a system than having passwords on
all clients.
Is it possible only with Linux+Samba? If yes how to do it? what are the
security issues? (i guess i have to share all the passwords, and pwl files
are easy to crack. Is there a better way)?

ThanXX all,

    Michel  APPLAINCOURT     | E-mail : michel.applaincourt at
 Computer Sciences Assistant | Phone  : 32 65 373498 
 Universite de Mons-Hainaut  | Fax    : 32 65 373318
                          [Sad...But True]

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