File lock

J Poloniecki sggp300 at
Thu Jan 15 14:35:57 GMT 1998

I am failing to lock a database file on a unix server (Solaris486) when
the file lock request is sent from Visual Foxpro on Windows 95.

Any suggestions on testing procedures, or even a solution??

Please feel free to assume that I don't know anything about file locks!
I don't even know how Visual Foxpro attempts to lock a file. 

Would the Foxpro lock be recognised by any application?
i.e. does Foxpro request a SAMBA lock or does it attempt to keep some
proprietary lock file that only other Foxpro applications would look for? 

And does a successful SAMBA lock apply to all possible write access to
the locked file, by whatever means the file is shared out?


St. George's Hospital, London U.K.
j.poloniecki at
tel: +44 (0)181 725 2795 a.m. (0)181 672 4122 p.m.

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