WinPopUp receive but not send on win95 computer

Tim Villa - faculties tim at
Mon Feb 16 00:56:30 GMT 1998

Michel.Applaincourt at wrote:
> is there an application permitting to win95 to receive popup messages, but
> not send. Is there a way to do this?
> My concerning is about premit to send messages from the server to Win95
> clients, but as those clients are used by students, I don't want them to
> be able to send messages...
The 'smbclient' command on your unix server will do this.  Just use the
command line:

/usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient -M hostname -U "system administrator" 

and type in your message followed by a ^D.  I've not tried sending these
messages from a client as yet so I don't know if this strictly answers
your question.

Tim Villa                 Faculties of Economics & Commerce, Education and Law
Network/Systems Officer                    The University of Western Australia
Phone: +61-8-9380-1796                                    Fax: +61-8-9380-1068
<mailto:tim at>                 <>

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