server for multiple workgroups at one maschine

Monika Sellin sellin at
Thu Feb 5 14:56:15 GMT 1998

Hello everything,

I have a question for the problem multiple Samba server on one machine.
My system conditions are the following:  

	 Class-C network without subneting
	 Unixmachine for Samba (Solaris 2.5/RedHat 4.2)
	 no Windows NT 
         all clients are win95-clients (approx. 100)

The users to belong in different working groups, which correspond to the 
groups in the Unix system. Each user must be able itself to log
at each machine in the institute and its resources (groups and user-dependent) 
in made available get.  

The Win95-clients is to operate with netlogon and profiles, so  
domainlogon for NT-Domain is activated. It is  working for
one workgroup. But I want different groups for domainlogon. 
Is it possible to start multiple sambaserver for multiple WORKGROUPS 
at the same Maschine in the same net?



Monika Sellin
Institut fuer Tierzucht und Tierverhalten 
Bundesforschungsanstalt fuer Landwirschaft

31535 Neustadt               e-mail: sellin at
Germany                      Tel: +49 5034 /871 154

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