NT domains and 1.9.18pSomething

Scott D. Webster swebster at carroll.com
Wed Dec 16 19:31:42 GMT 1998

On Thu, 17 Dec 1998, Matthew Kirkwood wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to replace an NT SBS box with a RH5.2 box, and
> things are proceeding quite well, save a few samba troubles.
> I've found that the NT4WS (SP4) clients can log in if told
> to use a samba machine as a "workgroup", but that they can
> not find a domain controller if told to use "domain" logons.
> (They have the registry password encryption hack installed.)


> Is there any particular reason why the samba-1..18pN shipped
> with RH5.2 should do this?  Or should I try again with the
> v2.0 betas?

	Samba 1.* doesn't function as a domain controller.  I'm not sure
what that nmb.log log entry is about.  The 2.0 betas have UNSUPPORTED
domain controller code, but you're on your own there.  The domain
controller functionality should be supported in later versions.

Scott D. Webster                              swebster at carroll.com
Etc Services                                   Voice: 201.385.7113
Linux, Unix, & TCP/IP Network Consulting       Pager: 800.379.2402

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