Why does oplocks = False not seem to stop file cacheing? (More Info)

David J. Reiter dave at davidr.sd.logicon.com
Tue Dec 15 23:47:32 GMT 1998

 Here is the output of smbstatus after I have opened up the file on the

/usr/local/samba/bin [184] ./smbstatus
Samba version 1.9.18p10
Service      uid      gid      pid     machine
dave         dave     staff      972   syscon2  ( Tue Dec 15
15:43:27 1998
No locked files
Share mode memory usage (bytes):
   1048464(99%) free + 56(0%) used + 56(0%) overhead = 1048576(100%) total

Now if it says there are no locked files why does the PC cache the
information? Thanks for any help at all,


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Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 15:08:57 -0600 (CST)
From: James Thompson <jamest at math.ksu.edu>
To: "David J. Reiter" <dave at davidr.sd.logicon.com>
Cc: Multiple recipients of list <samba at samba.org>
Subject: Re: Why does oplocks = False not seem to stop file cacheing?

On Wed, 16 Dec 1998, David J. Reiter wrote:

> [pc]
>    path = /NEWPC
>    public = yes
>    only guest = yes
>    writable = yes
>    printable = no
> ;  I have tried share modes both yes and no, that doesnt seem to
> ;  change anything.
>    share modes = no
> ;  I think setting oplocks False should do the trick but it doesn't
> ;  seem to help.
>    oplocks = False
> ;  So I tried to set veto to veto all files, but again this didn't
> ;  seem to help any.
>    veto oplock files = /*.txt/

from mine (don't remember what sync does so it might not be needed)
   sync always = yes
   oplocks = no

James Thompson    138 Cardwell Hall  Manhattan, Ks   66506    785-532-0561 
Kansas State University                          Department of Mathematics

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