Virus checker gets error "Network Name was deleted" ?

Detlef Lammermann detlef.lammermann at
Wed Dec 9 07:18:48 GMT 1998

Andrew Gray schrieb:
> hi,
> Has anyone encountered problems running virus checkers on NT4+sp3
> clients against Samba served drives ? We recently upgraded
> a samba server to 1.9.18p10 and now have an intermittent problem
> where during the scan of Samba drive the virus check flakes out
> with the error;
>         "Network Name was deleted"
> I'm told that the server still appears to be browsable after this
> error, and the only adverse effect is to halt the virus scan.
> There is no record of any event in the Samba logs, although debug
> level is only 0.  I have been unable to convince the people
> concerned to turn this up.
> The network is running a non-standard subnet mask - 20/12 bit split.
> Server is a Sun Sparcstation running Solaris 2.5.1 - with all
> recommended patches.
> The virus checking software is Inoculan v4.00 - though I'm not
> convinced this is the problem.
> Any input would be greatly appreciated, thanks...
> ---
> Andrew Gray, Global Engineering            Email: andrew.gray at
> Credit Suisse-First Boston (Europe)        Voice: +44 171 888 8194
> One Cabot Square,  LONDON E14 4QJ            Fax: +44 171 888 4958

Hello Andrew,

I've run a similar configuration for evaluation purposes some
months ago without any problem:
  - Sun SPARCstation 20/e
  - Solaris 2.4 and 2.5.1
  - Samba 1.9.18p8
  - Subnet Mask
  - NT4sp3
  - Thunderbyte AntiVirus 8.05

You did not mention the samba version you have upgraded from.
But maybe this may help you.

-- Detlef
                                                                   (Q Q)
Detlef Lammermann    eMail: detlef.lammermann at
Dr. Materna GmbH     X.400: /G=Detlef/S=Lammermann/O=ER/P=MATERNA/A=UMI-DE/C=DE/
Wetterkreuz 3        Voice: +49 9131 7723-60
D-91058 Erlangen     Fax:   +49 9131 7723-45

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