SWAT and logfiles

Inge-Hávard Hunstad Inge-Havard.Hunstad at cc.uit.no
Tue Dec 1 13:47:51 GMT 1998

I have a problem that swat want authenticate me when I use inetd to start swat.
I am using a RHLinux ver 5.2 and samba cvs ver. from last week. The ability to 
start swat as a cgi-script are removed from this version so I had to start it 
with inetd. But this failed. So my question is: 
	Are swat producing a log file or is it posible get a debug message 
	telling me whats wrong?

Back to another issue: The configure.in and makefile.in files.

Are there someone who's maintaining these files and answear questions about 

There have bin some questions but there haven't bin any answers. 

Thanks in advance for your help

Inge-Håvard Hunstad
email: 	inge at cc.uit.no
Tlf:   	77646527
(intern nr. UiT: 6527)

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