Create mode etc... confusion

Milivoj Ivkovic mi at
Tue Aug 25 10:05:33 GMT 1998

Would someone please help me with the "create mode" settings and/or others
if needed.

I use the [netlogon] share, and edit logon scripts there from my Windows

What are the correct settings for this? As it is, it's all wrong: the group
gets set to my user name's group (mi), execute by others is not set, and
I'm the only one for whom logon scripts are executed.

A different case, probably also very classical, is the web server's share:

It should be readable and executable by everybody, and writable by the
@webmasters only.

Am I also missing something about the "sticky bit"? How do I control the
owner and group of a changed/created file, so it is not the individual user.

Thanks for any help.


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