Multiple usernames and strange log

Robert Dahlem Robert.Dahlem at
Wed Apr 29 22:25:48 GMT 1998


On Wed, 29 Apr 1998 20:11:24 +1000, Miquel Bonastre wrote:

>   I would like you to help me with two problems we have 
>   here with samba. 
>   It works fine on almost all the situations but we're
>   unable to connect from a win95 machine with two identities
>   simultaneously.
>   The situation is that: john and eric have their own account
>   in the server (Unix running samba). They share another
>   account (say netmen). They need access to their own account 
>   and to the common account (at the same time).
>   Does anybody know how to achieve that on Win95? 

This seems not to be a problem that should be solved in Win95.

Just define the common share with 

  valid users = @netmen

and define this group in /etc/group with john and eric being members.


Robert.Dahlem at
Radio Bornheim - 2:2461/332 at fidonet +49-69-4930830  (ZyX, V34)
                 2:2461/326 at fidonet +49-69-94414444 (ISDN X.75)

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