not making enough $$?

Maurine Pierce zijames at
Thu Nov 3 05:29:46 GMT 2005

Thu, 03 Nov 2005 00:29:45 -0500
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hello sir

A G-enuine Co!llege D.egree in 2 wee|ks.

  B/A  .  B/S/C  .  M/A  .  M/S/C  .  M/B/A  .  P/H/D

Wit]hin 2 week+s!  +  No S,tudy Require'd!  (  1)00% Verif.iable

The oppor"tunity exists due to a lega*l loop+hole allowing some estab!lished Co|lleges to award deg;rees at their discretion.

This little known secret has been kept quiet for years.

James Start seeing how much better your li/fe & C:arreer can be with few letters 
behind your name!  0 ris'k and no ob[ligation

F\or more infor*mation give us a call, You'll thank me later. 

C at ll N/ow 1.206.666.2839

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