Samba for OpenVMS 6.2-1H3

Plante, Sylvain splante at
Wed Mar 9 16:20:22 GMT 2005

SMB-OpenVMS users,

I'm looking for a version of ( Samba 2.2.x ) which would be
running in OpenVMS 6.2-1H3 . The latest version on the web
site specifices that the prerequistes is OpenVMS 7.1 .

Is there any Archive site where I can find what I'm looking for ?

Sylvain Plante
Administrateur de système		System Administrator
Centre d'information topographique	Center for Topographic Information
Ressources Naturelles Canada		Natural Ressources Canada
2144, rue King Ouest, bureau 010	2144, King Street West, suite 010
Sherbrooke (Québec)		Sherbrooke (Québec)
J1J 2E8		J1J 2E8
courriel: splante at		email: splante at
téléphone: (819) 564-5600 poste 228	phone: (819) 564-5600 ext. 228
télécopieur: (819) 564-5698		fax: (819) 564-5698

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