Compiling SAMBA with better options

B. Z. Lederman lederman at
Thu Mar 27 15:48:06 GMT 2003

    I've been looking more at the source code and the way it's

/STANDARD=VAXC is really not a good choice.  It covers up too
 many real and potential problems in the code.

    I decided to try compiling with a better set of options which
 I have included below. (the /ARCH = HOST isn't essential, but it
 helps if the code is going to execute on the same architecture as
 it's compiled.)  I got a lot of warnings about locally declared
 prototypes (PROTOSCOPE): these aren't always problems, but they
 can be if the function is used in more than one place. So I have
 (for now) told the compiler not to issue any warnings about that
 one particular potential problem. There are other checks that
 could be included in the /CHECK qualifier, and when the currently
 known problems are addressed perhaps a /CHECK or even a
 /CHECK=ALL should be done. 

    There is also a question of what to do with names that are
 longer than 31 characters.  I don't know what ANSI says about it,
 but they're a potential problem on OpenVMS.  There is work going
 on to address this, but for now  removing the /STANDARD=VAXC
 means usually choosing a method of dealing with names.  I tried
 /NAMES = (AS_IS, SHORTENED) which shortens the names in a
 predictable manner.  However, I got errors linking the
 executables because some names didn't match.  I think /NAMES =
 (UPPERCASE, SHORTENED) would be better and I intend to try that.

    A lot of the code compiles cleanly with this set of options,
 which it should.  When the compiler flags something, it's usually
 a real problem, and something which would be a problem on any
 platform.  For example, there are many cases where an unsigned
 variable is being compared to a signed constant or value.

   I also edited two modules:


 for the previously discussed problem with getdvi instead of getdviw


    because it calls sys$open, sys$close, etc. without the
 functions being defined.  Modules that call these functions are
 better off if they #include <starlet.h> to define the function
 prototypes. There are a couple of other modules where this should
 be done. 

    The compiler command I used is:

$ cc := CC/DECC/NOLIST/INCLUDE=([],[.INCLUDE],[.UBIQX],[.SMBWRAPPER],[.tdb],[.popt],[.VMS]) -

    The number of modules with warnings is longer than I would
 post to the mailing list by default (if you include the entire
 message, which includes a pointer to the code with an
 explanation). I can mail it, or you can pick it up from a web
 site. My personal web site is:

 There should be a pointer to samba1.txt

 which has the results of my compilation.

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