vms_tdb.c modifications

Jan-erik Söderholm (QAC) Jan-erik.Soderholm at pac.ericsson.se
Thu Jun 26 14:36:27 GMT 2003

I'm asking sbout SAMBA as such. I don't care
what each and every module is called or what
they do.

I'm asking since I'm currently using 
as my "source" for SAMBA/VMS distributions.
And I didn't understod how your changes
would be (if they should, I don't know!) be
included in the pi-net kits.

You say that you are "working on a fresh port of 2.2.8",
how will this "port" be different from the current 2.2.8
port at the pi-net site ? Is that port "un-fresh" ?

Maybe it's just something I don't understand...


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Jones [mailto:JONESD at er6s1.eng.ohio-state.edu]
Sent: den 26 juni 2003 16:27
To: Jan-erik Söderholm (QAC)
Cc: samba-vms at lists.samba.org
Subject: Re: RE : vms_tdb.c modifications

>I was just going to ask, how are these two versions
>related to each other ?

If you are asking about vms_tdb.c, they have a common ancestor.  The original
work was by Jean-Yves Collot, as best I can tell.

Just to clarify my earlier statement about my 'fresh start' port of Samba -
it does incoporate pieces of other Samba-for-VMS ports where expedient and
where those pieces can be adapted to disrupt the base unix code as little as

David L. Jones               |      Phone:    (614) 292-6929
Ohio State University        |      Internet:
140 W. 19th St. Rm. 231a     |               jonesd at er6s1.eng.ohio-state.edu
Columbus, OH 43210           |               vman+ at osu.edu

Disclaimer: I'm looking for marbles all day long.

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