
George Watson watson at srfnet.com
Tue Apr 1 18:01:06 GMT 2003

>I downloaded SAMBA-2_2_8-SRC.ZIP_GZ, gunzipped it, but my unzip tells 
>me that can't find the zipfile directory in SAMBA-2_2_8-SRC.ZIP.
>Any suggestions?
>Robert Morphis


  I have also had these ZIP files download as GZIP, using LYNX as my FTP 
client.  There is something causing them to be mis-identified; they are 
actually regular ZIP files.  Download the file again, rename it from .ZIP_GZ 
to .ZIP, and try UNZIP on it then.

	- GGW3
George Watson, Terabase Corporation
watson at srfnet.com	(978)774-7999 x101

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