OVMS Samba and Win2000 Native mode

Merritt Rob MerrittR at spsd.sk.ca
Thu Oct 10 16:52:13 GMT 2002

is it possible to set up Samaba for OpenVMS to work in a Win2000
Native Domain
If so how ie security=user, security=server etc. I am trying to avoid
using PathWorks because of the cost (it sure works well PW 6.1 in
win2000 native)

here is my smb.conf I am working with

   server string = Samba %v running on %h (OpenVMS)
   workgroup = SCHOOLS
   encrypt passwords = Yes
;   mangled names = No
   hide dot files = No
   map system = Yes
   printing = bsd
   printcap name = /sys$sysroot/tcpip$lpd/tcpip$printcap.dat
   print command = print %s /queue=%p /delete/name=SAMBA_PRINT
   lppause command = samba_lppause %p %j
   lpresume command = samba_lpresume %p %j
   lpq command = samba_lpstat %p
   lprm command = samba_lprm %p %j
;   lpq cache time = 0 ;future when next OpenVMS release uses
;   smbrun = project_root:[samba_vms.bin]smbrun.exe_axp
   load printers = yes
;   socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
   socket options = SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192 SO_KEEPALIVE
;  You will need a world readable lock directory and "share modes=yes"
;  if you want to support the file sharing modes for multiple users
;  of the same files
;  lock directory = /usr/local/samba/var/locks
  share modes = yes
  security = user

any hints would be appreciated

Thanks RobM

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