**Fwd: Re: **Fwd: RE: Samba WINS server killing NMBD process

Alder ue191 at victoria.tc.ca
Wed Aug 7 00:29:28 GMT 2002

Claude Marinier wrote:

>On Mon, 5 Aug 2002, Alder wrote:
>>Interestingly, the priority of the NMBD process seems to be changing
>>for some reason.  Is this by design?
>It is normal for VMS to adjust the priority of running processes. VMS is
>designed to give a priority boost to processes that have spent some time
>waiting for something like completion of an I/O request. Such a boost will
>slowly fade as the process gets to run more often.

Good to know.  Is this unique to VMS, then?  I've played with the 
"-nice" flag on Linux, but that just sets the 'maximum' priority level I 
believe.  Giving processes a little boost seems like a pretty 
sophisticated design feature.  Nice.



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