
David Mulder dmulder at
Fri May 10 14:46:56 UTC 2024

On 5/10/24 4:39 AM, Stefan Metzmacher wrote:
> Hi David,
>>>> All registered cses in gpext.conf will also get MachinePolicyDisabled
>>>> and UserPolicyDisabled.'samba-tool gpo cse update' will let admins 
>>>> change it explicitly.
>>>> And get_gp_client_side_extensions() will only return enabled policies.
>>> Ok, I now found that cse GUID are wellknown things.
>>> E.g. MS-GPSB specifies:
>>> CSE GUID{827D319E-6EAC-11D2-A4EA-00C04F79F83A}
>>> Tool extension GUID (computer policy 
>>> settings){803E14A0-B4FB-11D0-A0D0-00A0C90F574B}
>>> And these are stored in the gPCMachineExtensionNames and 
>>> gPCUserExtensionNames attributes.
>>> And our client completely ignores them.
> Do you have any comment on this?
> samba-tool gpo cse register invents a random uuid, so each client will 
> have its
> own uuid, so it's a completely separate thing from the wellknown values
> used for gPCMachineExtensionNames and gPCUserExtensionNames.
Ok, so we probably need to have a fixed guid for each extension. Then we 
need to set gPCMachineExtensionNames and gPCUserExtensionNames when we 
enable the extension?
> samba-tool gpo load --help talks about this:
>> The --machine-ext-name and --user-ext-name options are multi-value 
>> inputs
>> which respectively set the gPCMachineExtensionNames and 
>> gPCUserExtensionNames
>> ldap attributes on the GPO. These attributes must be set to the 
>> correct GUID
>> names for Windows Group Policy to work correctly. These GUIDs represent
>> the client side extensions to apply on the machine. Linux Group 
>> Policy does
>> not enforce this constraint. {35378EAC-683F-11D2-A89A-00C04FBBCFA2} 
>> is provided by default, which
>> enables most Registry policies. 
> So why are gPCMachineExtensionNames and gPCUserExtensionNames ignored
> on Linux?
Because of an oversight on my part, probably. IIRC, I added these 
because I saw Windows does this, not because I understood their purpose.
> Can we change it?
I don't see why not.
> MS-GPOL 1.8 Vendor-Extensible Fields
>> The Group Policy: Core Protocol allows vendors to define Group Policy 
>> extensions to the protocol.
>> These Group Policy extensions enable vendors to store vendor-specific 
>> data in a GPO on the Group
>> Policy server. For the Group Policy client to access that data, it 
>> needs to be able to identify a
>> system component that can retrieve and interpret that data.
>> To facilitate this, the GPO Active Directory object schema has two 
>> attributes,
>> gPCMachineExtensionNames and gPCUserExtensionNames, in which a vendor 
>> can append both
>> a CSE GUID (as specified in [MS-DTYP] section that 
>> identifies that GPO as having that
>> vendor's particular extra Group Policy extension data stored inside 
>> it, and a tool extension GUID
>> that allows the vendor to associate an administrative tool that can 
>> update the data. The vendor
>> obtains the UUIDs of the CSE GUID and the tool extension GUID by 
>> generating them according to the
>> standard GUID algorithm, as specified in [C706]. After they are 
>> generated, the vendor includes the
>> GUID in these attributes, as specified in section 2.2. Vendors do not 
>> need to collaborate or obtain
>> GUIDs from a central authority; the GUID generation algorithm ensures 
>> that no two vendors make use
>> of the same GUID. Vendors can specify a NULL GUID for the tool 
>> extension GUID.
>> Each CSE GUID and tool extension GUID defined by a vendor MUST be 
>> treated as a standards
>> assignment to the gPCMachineExtensionNames and gPCUserExtensionNames 
>> attributes that
>> MUST be declared in the Group Policy extension documentation that is 
>> associated with the CSE GUID
>> and tool extension GUID.
> Maybe we could have the wellknown CSE GUID in addition to the random 
> UniqueGUID
> reports.
> And multiple of our local cses would specify the same cse guid,
> e.g. gp_krb_ext, gp_access_ext and gp_privilege_rights_ext would specify
> {827D319E-6EAC-11D2-A4EA-00C04F79F83A} from MS-GPSB.
> Or should we merge them into one extension?
> I'm not sure about it, but I guess it would be good to have a way to
> enable/disable them separately.
> This seems to be a bit like what MS-GPOL Extension List 
> specified:
>> The list of Group Policy client-side extensions present in the local 
>> machine. The Extension List is in
>> ascending order by CSE GUID. The following information MUST be 
>> maintained for each extension:
> This is the wellknown CSE GUID
> I guess we could let class gp_ext have a list with gse guid, so
> that samba-tool cse register would not need a --cse-guid.
>> - Implementation Identifier: A string that uniquely identifies the 
>> implementation-specific
>> reification of the CSE GUID.
> This would be our local UniqueGUID
> For our builtin extension, we should even use wellknown value too.
>> - MaxNoGPOListChangesInterval: An integer value that SHOULD<15> 
>> specify the maximum
>> number of minutes to skip the extension when the policy has not changed.
>>> I also found that we only process single changed policies unless 
>>> samba-gpupdate --force is used,
>>> but it's important to process all policies related to a cse in the 
>>> correct order.
> Any extension without cse-guid would be called for all policies,
> but if one or more cse guids are specified they should only be called
> with gpos having at least one cse guid also specified on 
> gPCMachineExtensionNames
> or gPCUserExtensionNames.
> With the above I'd think we should pass in all gpos for the cse as 
> changed_gpos,
> even if only one of them actually changed.
> Do you see any problem with such a change and already existing cse 
> registered
> in the wild.

I'm only aware of one person who has ever contacted me about custom cse 
registration. Either way, I don't see how it would effect a custom 
implementation given that the example in 
shows to use a static ext GUID.

Also, sounds like we haven't been registering the existing extensions 
correctly, so it should be fine.

>>> For the [Privilege Rights] feature it's extremely important to get 
>>> the order correct,
>>> as per Right/Privilege only the first processed policy should be 
>>> applied and all others are
>>> ignored. So 'SeUndockPrivilege = *S-1-5-32-544' in the first policy 
>>> and 'SeUndockPrivilege = *S-1-5-32-545'
>>> as well as 'SeEnableDelegationPrivilege = *S-1-5-32-545' in the 2nd 
>>> policy means that the
>>> effective result looks like this:
>>> SeUndockPrivilege = *S-1-5-32-544
>>> SeEnableDelegationPrivilege = *S-1-5-32-544
>>> and the 'SeUndockPrivilege = *S-1-5-32-545' from the 2nd policy is 
>>> ignored.
>>> While researching on this I found that we apply the policies in the 
>>> wrong order,
>>> assume the following:
>>> DC=domain,DC=example
>>> - DomainGPO1
>>> - DomainGP02
>>> - DomainGP03 (enforced)
>>> - DomainGP04 (enforced)
>>> OU=SomeOU,DC=domain,DC=example
>>> - SomeOUGPO1
>>> - SomeOUGPO2
>>> - SomeOUGPO3 (enforced)
>>> - SomeOUGPO4 (enforced)
>>> OU=Computers,OU=SomeOU,DC=domain,DC=example
>>> - ComputersGPO1
>>> - ComputersGPO2
>>> - ComputersGPO3 (enforced)
>>> - ComputersGPO4 (enforced)
>>> Default-first-Site-Name:
>>> - SiteGPO1
>>> - SiteGPO2
>>> - SiteGPO3 (enforced)
>>> - SiteGPO4 (enforced)
>>> Gives the following order for 
>>> CN=computer,OU=SomeOU,DC=domain,DC=example:
>>> SiteGPO3
>>> SiteGPO4
>>> DomainGPO3
>>> DomainGPO4
>>> SomeOUGPO3
>>> SomeOUGPO4
>>> ComputersGPO3
>>> ComputersGPO4
>>> ComputersGPO1
>>> ComputersGP02
>>> SomeOUGPO1
>>> SomeOUGPO2
>>> DomainGPO1
>>> DomainGPO2
>>> SiteGPO1
>>> SiteGPO2
>>> While samba-gpupdate --rsop shows this:
>>> GPO: SiteGPO2
>>> GPO: SiteGPO1
>>> GPO: DomainGPO2
>>> GPO: DomainGPO1
>>> GPO: SomeOUGPO2
>>> GPO: SomeOUGPO1
>>> GPO: ComputersGPO2
>>> GPO: ComputersGPO1
>>> GPO: SiteGPO4
>>> GPO: SiteGPO3
>>> GPO: DomainGPO4
>>> GPO: DomainGPO3
>>> GPO: SomeOUGPO4
>>> GPO: SomeOUGPO3
>>> GPO: ComputersGPO4
>>> GPO: ComputersGPO3
>> Well that's odd. The GPO order is determined by get_gpo_list, which I 
>> thought followed [MS-GPOL] pretty closely. It looks like 
>> we're doing it backwards at first, then have some of them mixed up.
> I guess some details of MS-GPOL GPO Search are wrong.
If you can figure out what is mixed up about the ordering, notify doc-help.

David Mulder
Labs Software Engineer, Samba
1221 S Valley Grove Way, Suite 500
Pleasant Grove, UT 84062
(P)+1 385.208.2989
dmulder at

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