Return SMB2_CREATE_FLAG_REPARSEPOINT in create response

Carson Buttars carson at
Tue Jul 16 22:08:19 UTC 2024

Hello all,

I just completed the mountpoint detection patch I've been working on, 
and feedback on it would be great. Here is a link to it: 3141 

In working on this, I also stumbled upon the 
field in the create request, and it seems to not be implemented in any 
way. There's not a lot of information on it, but as far as I understand, 
it should be returned if the requested file is opened without the 
FILE_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT create option and the file is a in fact a 
reparse point. Am I understanding that right? Is there a good reason to 
or to not implement it?


Carson Buttars

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