samba shares across different os's
rac8006 at
rac8006 at
Tue Apr 23 15:37:44 UTC 2024
I guess the real question is how does one mount the share on different OS's
with the same user but different uid's. If the mount get mounted owned by
root how does a user add or modify a file if he is not root. I want the
files on the WD Device to be available to any local device in my house. I
have a user x on the Debian Linux and windows and both laptops. The Dlink
system is going to be removed from the network. So smb1 should not be a
problem any more.
PS I used to be on three different lists. I tried to stop receiving email
from three lists but was not able to stop the technical emails. At the time
I was trying to find out why samba was writing to disk every few seconds.
Keeping the system from sleeping. I've been retired from software
engineering for 20 years.
-----Original Message-----
From: samba-technical <samba-technical-bounces at> On Behalf Of
Rowland Penny via samba-technical
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2024 11:20 AM
To: samba-technical at
Cc: Rowland Penny <rpenny at>
Subject: Re: samba shares across different os's
On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 10:41:16 -0400
George via samba-technical <samba-technical at> wrote:
> The Dlink system is version 1. The WD system is smb3 after the latest
> OS update. The windows system has smb1 enabled. I have had the Dlink
> system mounted to the windows system for years and it has been working
> fine. Not sure how to tell what version of samba the shares are
> mounted.
If the Dlink only uses SMBv1m then the shares on it will have to use SMBv1.
> When I mount the Dlink to the Debian system it complains and says I
> need to use vers=1.0. But the WD system when mounted on the Debian
> system does not complain. The WD device is running 4.3.11.
SMBv3 support was added at 4.3.0, but there have been numerous updates and
CVE's since then, Samba latest is 4.20.0
> I'm not sure how I copied the files I think I used a cp -r but forgot
> to use the -a option.
If it is available, then rsync would have probably been better, but if it
isn't then 'cp -a' would have been better than 'cp -r' (see 'man cp').
> I think the fix for the all
> of the folders being empty was doing a chown -r user * This seemed to
> allow most folders to display there contents.
If that worked, then the files had probably been transferred, but then
belonged to another user/group and you were not allowed to see them.
> When I mount the
> WD on the Debian system the owner/group is always root:root.
That is fairly standard for a mount.
> I'm using the WD because it has been sitting around not used for a few
> years. I'm not real happy with it because they use a non standard 64k
> pagesize. Which means you have to compile your own programs that ware
> not on the device rather than just apt install.
> I just thought that I could remove the Dlink and use the WD. It is a
> low power device that can be left on all the time. Which allows me to
> access the files from any of my pcs's or laptops or phone or TV's.
If it works for you, then great, but it is still an elderly device and if I
were you, I would be looking on it as a 'stop gap' until I could replace it
with something newer, but it is totally your decision.
> Sorry for posting on this forum. It is the only one I get email from.
Not a problem really, but the thing is, samba-technical is meant for
discussing the 'internals' of Samba, problems like yours are best discussed
on the samba mailing list, so it might be an idea to register for that next
time ;-)
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