samba shares across different os's

rac8006 at rac8006 at
Tue Apr 23 14:41:16 UTC 2024

The Dlink system is version 1.  The WD system is smb3 after the latest OS
update.  The windows system has smb1 enabled.  I have had the Dlink system
mounted to the windows system for years and it has  been working fine.  Not
sure how to tell what version of samba the shares are mounted.  When I mount
the Dlink to the Debian system it complains and says I need to use vers=1.0.
But the WD system when mounted on the Debian system does not complain.  The
WD device is running 4.3.11.
I'm not sure how I copied the files I think I used a cp -r  but forgot to
use the -a option.  I think the fix for the all of the folders being empty
was doing a chown -r user *  This seemed to allow most folders to display
there contents.  When I mount the WD on the Debian system the owner/group is
always root:root.  
I'm using the WD because it has been sitting around not used for a few
years.  I'm not real happy with it because they use a non standard 64k
pagesize.  Which means you have to compile your own programs that ware not
on the device rather than just apt install.
I just thought that I could remove the Dlink and use the WD.  It is a low
power device that can be left on all the time.  Which allows me to access
the files from any of my pcs's or laptops or phone or TV's.

Sorry for posting on this forum.  It is the only one I get email from.
Original Message-----
From: samba-technical <samba-technical-bounces at> On Behalf Of
Rowland Penny via samba-technical
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2024 10:19 AM
To: samba-technical at
Cc: Rowland Penny <rpenny at>
Subject: Re: samba shares across different os's

On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 09:23:58 -0400
George via samba-technical <samba-technical at> wrote:

> It has been a while since I've posted to this forum.  I hope I'm 
> posting to the correct forum.

Sorry, but you really should have posted to the samba mailing list, but you
are here now.

> Here is my problem.
> I have a DLink DNS323 which uses smb1. This device is currently mapped 
> as T: and U; on my windows 10 Pro pc and laptop. I also have a WD My 
> Cloud gen1 single disk using smb3 I think.

You sure about that, from my understanding, the OS on that thing is based on
Debian Wheezy and that OS came with Samba 3.6.x and hence no

> I also have a PC
> running Debian Linux 12.5. I want to copy all of the files from the 
> DLink device to the WD device.

I wouldn't, I think you are jumping out of the frying pan into the fire,
both the Dlink and WD device are both elderly, you would probably (if you
can afforrd it) be better off getting a new device.

> After copying all of the files. I
> unmapped the T: and U; shares of the DLink device and mapped T: and
> U: from the WD device. After the mapping I checked some of the folders 
> and found that only the top level files and folders were visible. 
> Every folder was empty. After a log of fiddling I got most of the 
> folders to show files. Not sure what I finally did to get this almost 
> working. So I tried to mount the WD device to the Linux PC and got the 
> same problem of the folders being empty. My question is what do I need 
> to do the be able to mount the WD device on the windows PC and the 
> Linux PC with all files available. I want to use the Linux PC as 
> backup for the WD device and use the WD device as backup for some 
> files from the Linux PC.

How did you copy the files ?
Have you checked that your Win10 machines have SMBv1 turned on.


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