GitLab CI back

Andrew Bartlett abartlet at
Fri Feb 14 05:01:16 UTC 2020


A big thank you to everyone for their patience, the GitLab CI private
runners are back now.

There are still things I would like to do:
 - ensure the alternate configuration for really old Samba versions
still works (I think that image ID also changed)
 - decouple the system from the catalyst_samba key and use an ephemeral
key instead
 - provide a top-to-bottom script that pulls a docker image, installs
the required software and runs ansible that only needs the credentials
as input

But for now, it is back, and the bastian host is now running a 2020 set
of updates, which is a good thing regardless. 

Let me know if you have any further problems, otherwise please just
restart the failed jobs.

Finally, I would plea that some other interested team members learn how
all this works, so as to avoid having a single point of failure in


Andrew Bartlett
Andrew Bartlett
Authentication Developer, Samba Team
Samba Development and Support, Catalyst IT - Expert Open Source

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