Building on armhf

Mikhail Novosyolov m.novosyolov at
Sun Oct 27 11:23:41 UTC 2019

18.10.2019 17:57, L.P.H. van Belle via samba-technical пишет:
> Hai,
> Just a question here, is there a way to speed up building for armhf.
> im already using ccache and tmpfs but the cpu emulation of armhf makes it so slow..
> im using qemu to simulate the armhf env.
> With the current build speed taking me hours ..  :-(
> Anyone suggestion to speed this up or is it just impossible due to the cpu emulation.
Cross-compilation on a x86 host for amv7 target should be possible. Then 
compilers are run natively without CPU emulation.

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