Need help debugging avahi for MacOS client

Rouven WEILER Rouven_Weiler at
Sat Mar 16 08:04:49 UTC 2019

Hey there,

I just installed samba-4.9.5 on Solaris/OpenIndiana via the package management system of OpenIndiana.

It seems that I have an issue with avahi...

Samba advertises itself as a _smb service and can be browsed, however the „fruit“ services for apple do to seem to be propagated right.
Doing an "avahi-browse -a" on the OpenIndiana server shows:

root at OpenIndiana[~] avahi-browse -a
+   rge0  n/a 70-35-60-63.1 AppleTV                         _sleep-proxy._udp.   local.
+   rge0  n/a 2C0B2DB30EDE868767DDB3DCDB7B3D60964618F1      _touch-able._tcp.    local.
+   rge0  n/a AppleTV                                       _airplay._tcp.       local.
+   rge0  n/a DC56E7379664 at AppleTV                          _raop._tcp.          local.
+   rge0  n/a AppleTV                                       _mediaremotetv._tcp. local.
+   rge0  n/a 559BCACC-914C-507B-A4CE-C6DD4BB21957          _homekit._tcp.       local.
+   rge0  n/a AppleTV                                       _companion-link._tcp. local.
+   rge0  n/a MacbookPro                                    _companion-link._tcp. local.
+   rge0  n/a Brother MFC-J4625DW                           _pdl-datastream._tcp. local.
+   rge0  n/a Brother MFC-J4625DW                           _printer._tcp.       local.
+   rge0  n/a Brother MFC-J4625DW                           _ipp._tcp.           local.
+   rge0  n/a Brother MFC-J4625DW                           _scanner._tcp.       local.
+   rge0  n/a Brother MFC-J4625DW                           _http._tcp.          local.
+   rge0  n/a Brother MFC-J4625DW                           _privet._tcp.        local.
+   rge0  n/a MacbookPro                                    _ssh._tcp.           local.
+   rge0  n/a MacbookPro                                    _sftp-ssh._tcp.      local.
+   rge0  n/a wutz                                          _smb._tcp.           local.

There is no „_adisk“ and no „_device-info“ service… Even after waiting some time.

Doing an "dns-sd -B _services._dns-sd._udp" on the Mac client does not show the services either:

user at MacbookPro[~] dns-sd -B _services._dns-sd._udp
Browsing for _services._dns-sd._udp
DATE: ---Sat 16 Mar 2019---
 9:00:59.107  ...STARTING...
Timestamp     A/R    Flags  if Domain               Service Type         Instance Name
 9:00:59.107  Add        3   5 .                    _tcp.local.          _ssh
 9:00:59.107  Add        3   5 .                    _tcp.local.          _sftp-ssh
 9:00:59.107  Add        3   5 .                    _tcp.local.          _companion-link
 9:00:59.107  Add        3   5 .                    _tcp.local.          _pdl-datastream
 9:00:59.107  Add        3   5 .                    _tcp.local.          _printer
 9:00:59.107  Add        3   5 .                    _tcp.local.          _ipp
 9:00:59.107  Add        3   5 .                    _tcp.local.          _scanner
 9:00:59.107  Add        3   5 .                    _tcp.local.          _http
 9:00:59.107  Add        3   5 .                    _tcp.local.          _privet
 9:00:59.107  Add        3   5 .                    _udp.local.          _sleep-proxy
 9:00:59.107  Add        3   5 .                    _tcp.local.          _touch-able
 9:00:59.107  Add        3   5 .                    _tcp.local.          _airplay
 9:00:59.107  Add        3   5 .                    _tcp.local.          _raop
 9:00:59.107  Add        3   5 .                    _tcp.local.          _mediaremotetv
 9:00:59.107  Add        3   5 .                    _tcp.local.          _homekit
 9:00:59.107  Add        2   5 .                    _tcp.local.          _smb 

Am I doing something wrong here?
I stumbled in to that just because I wanted to add the device-info icon for the Finder. I know that there was a bug fix done for samba-4.9.5 that was reported to work by gd.
Nevertheless, there is no effect on my Mac.

Any help to understand the issue and avahi/dns-sd/zeroconf and get the solution is really appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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