Interesting issue with Macs accessing SMB shares ...

Richard Sharpe realrichardsharpe at
Tue Jul 30 17:14:55 UTC 2019

Hi folks,

We have seen the following issue:

UserA accesses/mounts an smb share on \\some-server\some-share and
when listing the files in a terminal with 'ls -a' they show up as
owned by UserA.

If UserB also accesses/mounts the same smb share on
\\some-server\some-share and does an 'ls -a' they show up as owned by

1. Is this normal?

2. If so, I interpret this as Mac OS/X lying because it does not
actually know how to use the RPCs that would be needed to translate
the owner SID etc. Is that the case? Is there a way around this?

Richard Sharpe

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