Samba4.9 Openldap Syncpassword problem

Izzet Aydın izzet.aydin at
Fri Apr 26 12:18:43 UTC 2019

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to synchronize userpasswords of my samba4 ad dc with openldap 

I use

     password hash userPassword schemes = CryptSHA256

in my smb.conf

When i set password at samba4 and check the password get the response

#samba-tool user getpassword deneme --attributes=virtualCryptSHA256
dn: CN=deneme,CN=Users,DC=test,DC=local

Got password OK

When i run syncpassword with my python code i see on my openldap server, 
userPassword is set

like the following

However, when i try to verify the password or login a ldapclient, the 
request returns wrong password.

Where did i do wrong ? How can i change "password hash userPassword 
schemes" to SSHA.

Thanks in advance

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