Can't logging specific debug class into a different file

Pedro Enrique Navia Luna pedro.navia at
Wed Apr 10 18:04:46 UTC 2019

Hello all

I recently installed from source samba 4.10.2 as domain controller. I 
want to separate the log of the following classes 
dsdb_password_json_audit and auth_json_audit in a single file 
security.json, I have done what the help says; but just create the empty 
file, this is my smb.conf

         log level = 0 auth_json_audit:5@/var/log/samba/security.json 
         log file = /var/log/samba/samba.log
         max log size = 100000
the event generated for this two classes appear in 
/var/log/samba/samba.log but not in /var/log/samba/security.json. What 
am I doing wrong


Ing. Pedro Enrique Navia Luna.
Administrador de Red.
Tel. 41329306, 52888886

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