bind 9.11.3 BIND9_FLATFILE update-policy

Sergey Urushkin urushkin at
Thu Sep 20 14:46:34 UTC 2018


Bind 9.11.3 (shipped with ubuntu 18.04) has modifications that prevents 
bind to start with samba's update-policy config file included 
(BIND9_FLATFILE backend):

Error text:
named.conf.update:3: name field not set to placeholder value '.'

This already was in the mail list:

This could be fixed by making a fixed copy of the config and including 
it to BIND instead of the original:
sed 's/ms-self \* /ms-self . /' named.conf.update > 

The next patch fixes config generation for 9.11.3 and above:
--- a/source4/dsdb/dns/dns_update.c	2018-07-12 11:23:36.000000000 +0300
+++ b/source4/dsdb/dns/dns_update.c	2018-09-20 16:16:32.330242337 +0300
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
  		dprintf(fd, "%s\n",static_policies);
  		dprintf(fd, "/* End of static entries */\n");
-	dprintf(fd, "\tgrant %s ms-self * A AAAA;\n", realm);
+	dprintf(fd, "\tgrant %s ms-self . A AAAA;\n", realm);
  	dprintf(fd, "\tgrant Administrator@%s wildcard * A AAAA SRV CNAME;\n", 

  	for (i=0; i<dc_count; i++) {

But this may not work with the older versions (not tested!). If so, we 
should check the installed bind version on the samba start while 
generating the config (named -V) or get the right value (* or .) from 
some another place (config file).
Another approach: since the config is pretty much static (at least with 
the current single-realm samba and it also doesn't honor real 
'Administrator' account name and even more widely - every 
dns-administrator name), generate it on the provision 
(python/samba/provision/ like we do for named.conf.dlz and 
just leave it as is with comments about BIND versions.

Best regards,
Sergey Urushkin

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