Not sure if this is WAF 2.0 related - it is not handling at least one "bi-endian" platform correctly now.

Christopher O Cowan Christopher.O.Cowan at
Wed Sep 5 21:43:43 UTC 2018

So, I noticed today that waf config was failing on AIX because it started
passing both the HAVE_LITTLE_ENDIAN and HAVE_BIG_ENDIAN tests.    I enjoyed
the error message "Failed endian determination.  The PDP-11 is back?",
BTW ;)

The Power Architecture has always been bi-endian, but it seems that it is
now passing the Little Endian check with WAF 2.0.
My understanding is that the newer ARM processors are also bi-endian.
Both platforms default to Big Endian, so I believe the wscript should only
check if both variables are unset, on line 561

buildtools/wafsamba/wscript-560-    # Extra sanity check.
buildtools/wafsamba/wscript-561-    if conf.CONFIG_SET("HAVE_BIG_ENDIAN")
buildtools/wafsamba/wscript:562:        Logs.error("Failed endian
determination.  The PDP-11 is back?")
buildtools/wafsamba/wscript-563-        sys.exit(1)
buildtools/wafsamba/wscript-564-    else:
buildtools/wafsamba/wscript-565-        if conf.CONFIG_SET
buildtools/wafsamba/wscript-566-            conf.DEFINE('WORDS_BIGENDIAN',
buildtools/wafsamba/wscript-568-    # check if signal() takes a void

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